C3 is a native governance token, C3 will use this token to heavily incentivise users to utilise the ecosystem.
Actions such as bridging, staking, and providing liquidity are rewarded in these tokens. By locking them in escrow (into veC3), you are entitled to the protocol fees, as well as voting rights. The longer you lock, the greater amount of veC3 you get.
Incentives you’ll love
C3 is given to those who tokenize carbon credits on chain.
Bridging rewards are given in C3
Use veC3 to boost rewards up to 100%
Vote to boost your carbon token up to 100%
Liquidity mining
C3 is given to those who provide liquidity
Use veC3 to boost rewards up to 100%
Vote to increase your pool rewards up to 50%
C3 is given to those who hold assets in the carbon vaults.
Hold veC3S to boost rewards up to 250%
Vote for your token to boost base rewards up to 50%